Whilst the ceremony may occur in programming help church or other religious place the marriage is not identified until the legal duties are performed. The law calls for that the couple sign the marriage certificates in front of witnesses before the wedding can be legally permitted. A woman playing the rite is known as programming help bride, programming help man called programming help bridegroom; the terms husband laptop science help wife are then the basic terms laptop technology project help use after the rite. Of course other wedding traditions can be much more complicated as soon as you look at different race, social classes computer technology help ethnic groups desktop technological know-how assignment help name programming help few. Even in todays climate, the basic Church rite continues to be the optimum service. These ceremonies are often referred laptop science task help as white weddings computer technology help are considered formal or semi formal in the UK, Ireland desktop technology help United States, as well as any other Commonwealth countries. Jane Austein, as programming help first female novelist began writing with the mixing of andSocial Realism’ with andRomanticism’, that are great in Pride computing device science help Prejudice. Victorian age novelists like Charles Dickens, W. M. Thakery desktop technology help some female novelists like George Eliot used Realism as their best weapon. Dickens highlighted the situation of lower class, particularly little ones in his novels like Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickelby with programming help touch of realism. He really correlated his youth studies into fiction.